All are the most advanced and eye-catching design fitness joomla templates ideal for gym club, fitness club. This automotive website template has five home pages, three blog pages, about us, service, log-in, coming soon, contact us, product layouts, and more shop layouts included.
It is easy to customize and supported by all devices like desktop, laptop, any type of mobile device, tablet. It has a full-screen responsive slider, sticky drop-down menu, newsletter, wishlist, add to cart, Product Zoom, multi-currency, multi-language, compare product, product tab with slider, Cloud Zoom, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.
This HTML5 template built-in Bootstrap 4, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, and W3 validated.
- Premium Joomla Templates
- Online Education Joomla Templates
- Furniture Joomla Templates
- Medical Health Joomla Templates
Gym shop
JA Fit
JA Fit is a high-quality fitness Joomla template. It is built for Fitness Centres, Personal Trainers, Yoga Centers, Sports Clubs, Health Clubs, yoga meditation, Gyms, Online Gym Equipment, and Sports Product Sellers. Easy to customize with Drag & Drop Layout Builder and J2store included. It comes with five different style home pages, our trainers, pricing, customer feedback, about us, FAQ, 404 pages, contact us, four blog layouts, four shop layouts, and more inner pages included. It has a full-screen slider, sticky drop-down menu, Zoom images, attractive gallery, RTL support, newsletter, and mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.
Quanca is the best high-quality fitness Joomla template for the gym, sports club and fitness centers, etc. This gym Joomla template is powered by Bootstrap 4, HTML5, and CSS3. It comes with a blog page, about us, search, our service, FAQs, 404 error, team, portfolio, contact pages, and more inner pages included. It has a full-screen slider, sticky drop-down menu, video support, zoom view, price menu, attractive gallery, RTL support, and mouse over animation and smooth transition effects included. Shape 5 extensions are included like S5 Tab Show, S5 Masonry, S5 Image and Content Fader, and S5 Quick Contact.
- Font Awesome
- Google Fonts
- Enable or disable sub menu arrows
- Enable or disable the first menu item
- Custom highlight colors
- Custom highlight font
- Enable or disable uppercase letters
- Responsive Hide Classes
- Off-Canvas Menu or Mobile Drop Down Items
- Lazy Load, Lightweight and fast loading
BeFit is a flat design fitness Joomla template for gyms, sports clubs or fitness centers and personal trainers, and many more. This gym Joomla template is built-in Helix v3 Framework, HTML5, and CSS3. It has four demo home pages, about, service, single class, trainer, booking, FAQ, loading page, 404 pages, coming soon, shop pages, two types of blog layouts, and more inner pages included.
It has a full-screen slider, four slider variations, sticky drop-down menu, zoom view, price menu, attractive gallery, RTL support, newsletter, and mouse over animation and smooth transition effects included. This theme supported K2 Component.
- Browser compatibility
- Google Maps easy to setup
- Left & Right Sidebar
- Bootstrap grid layout
- QuickStart package ready for Joomla 3.7
- Fully responsive layout
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Compatible with Bootstrap 3
- Supports Latest FontAwesome Icons
- Supported by all latest browsers
Musclen is a parallax-style fitness Joomla template. It is ideal for Gyms, Fitness Clubs, Personal Trainers, Health Centers, and other sport and health-related businesses. It comes with two different style home pages, about us, pricing plan, our team, event, login, register, offline page, 404 page, eight blog layouts, five shop layouts, and more inner pages included. It has a full-screen slider, nine colors preset, Off-Canvas menu, sticky drop-down menu, rollover images, number counter, price menu, attractive gallery, RTL support, newsletter, and mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included. This theme K2 Component and J2Store supported. It is built-in Powerful T3 Framework , HTML5, CSS3.
- LESS to CSS compilation feature
- Option to enable CSS and JS compression
- Google Fonts support
- Different Blog Layout Configurations
- RokSprocket Module Styles
- J2Store Joomla shopping cart
- SEO Ready
- Supports FontAwesome Icons
- SP Page builder included
Young Age
Fitness Care
Fitness Care is a high-quality fitness Joomla template. It is built for Fitness Centres, Personal Trainers, Yoga Centers, Sports Clubs, Health Clubs, yoga meditation, Gyms, Online Gym Equipment, and Sports Product Sellers. Easy to customize with Drag & Drop Layout Builder and J2store included. It comes with five different style home pages, our trainers, pricing, customer feedback, about us, FAQ, 404 pages, contact us, four blog layouts, four shop layouts, and more inner pages included. It has a full-screen slider, sticky drop-down menu, Zoom images, attractive gallery, RTL support, newsletter, and mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.
Hit Fitness
Hit Fitness is a smart and colorful fitness Joomla template. It is a flat one-page template ideal for gyms, fitness clubs, personal trainers. It has fourteen extensions and sixty modules included. It comes with ten color style themes, about, classes, schedule, our team, gallery, pricing section included. It has a full-screen slider, sticky drop-down menu, attractive gallery, pricing plan, schedule and event, number counter, and mouse over animation and smooth transition effects included.
- Gallery images plugin
- Google maps plugin
- Custom typography codes
- Contact form module
- font-face replacement
- Akeeba Backup quickstart installation
- DJ-Menu responsive menu module
- Tabs GK5
- Smooth scroll effects
- PSDs included
- Unlimited template color versions
- Front-end theme customizer
- Layout builder
- Enable/disable font size switcher
- Load favicon image
- Option to disable frontpage component view
- Customize the template layout to suit your needs
- JS & CSS compression
- PSD files included
Zoomba studio
- Google fonts
- Featured Video Section
- Neat and lightweight
- Megamenu
- Login/Registration Module
- Creative blog layout
- Multiple attractive content sections
- QuickStart Installation available
- Fully compatible with Joomla 3.9
- Multiple color layout variations
- Search engine friendly
Health Coach
- Page builder included
- Crossbrowser compatibility
- T3 Framework
- Awesome K2 Blog Pages
- Responsive Layout Design
- Quickstart installation demo package
- Slider Revolution included
Austin Coach
- Unique Home Page Layouts
- Full Width & Boxed Layouts
- Google Map with multiple locations
- Flexible Layout
- Flat, modern, and clean design.
- Advanced Typography
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Cross Browser Compatibility
- Detailed Oriented Listing
- Parallax effect
- Awesome Unique Look
- Unique effects and functionality
- Google font
- SP Page Builder Pro
- Helix Ultimate Framework
- Ajax VirtueMart Category Search
- Newsletter Function
- Akeeba Backup
- Fully Support VirtueMart 3
- RTL Language Support
- Ajax Products Filter
- Off-Canvas Menu
- Rich typography
- Use Helix 3 Framework
- Layout Builder and Page builder
Thank you for visiting Chiphost blog and reading this article. After downloading a free Joomla template, the next step is to install Joomla.