25 Newest HTML Software Website Templates




DreamSoft Software Website Template


  • Parallax effect
  • W3C valid & SEO-ready coding
  • Cross-browser support
  • Google Maps & Google Fonts
  • SCSS & Pug source files


TheSaaS software company template

SaaS is a responsive multipurpose software company template. It is ideal for Software, Startup, and Web-app landing bootstrap 4 templates. It has 130 unique HTML pages and fifteen landing page samples. Parallax style, full-screen banner, mouse over animation included.


  • SCSS files included
  • Grunt tasks ready
  • Well documented
  • Fully customizable
  • 300 component variation


Randerc software company template

Randerc is a smart responsive software company template. It comes with three home page layouts, three service pages, two project pages, three blog pages, and many more pages included. Full-screen banner, sticky drop-down menu, mouse over animation included.


  • W3C Validate Code
  • Font Awesome Icons
  • Themify Icon
  • Retina Ready
  • Contact form with validation
  • Google Fonts


Dektin software company template

Dektin is a responsive app landing page template. It comes with two different types of home pages, three elements pages, one blog page and more pages included. Countdown timer, full-screen banner, sticky drop-down menu, mouse over animation included.


  • Google fonts support
  • Font-awesome support
  • HTML5 & CSS3 Validated
  • Full browsers compatibility
  • Contact form


Tomillo software company template

Tomillo is a powerful Vue Js one page and multi-page software company template. It comes with About Us, Services, Portfolio, Contact Us, two blog pages, log in, Sign Up, and 404 pages included. Animated full-screen banner, sticky drop-down menu, Countdown timer, mouse over animation included.


  • Google Fonts
  • Well-commented code
  • CSS Animation
  • SEO Friendly


Trendkit software company template

Trendkit is a parallax style software company template. It’s a pricing table, full-screen banner, sticky drop-down menu, mouse over animation included. It comes with six home pages, two blog pages, pricing, article, and contact pages including.


  • Unique design
  • Inner Pages included
  • Google Web Font
  • Animated Scroll
  • Ui design

30 Newest Digital Marketing WordPress Themes


Olikit software company template

Olikit smart beautiful software company template. This template comes with four demo home pages, about us, plans, blog, article, and help center pages included. It has a fixed drop-down menu, full-screen banner, video play included.


  • Multiple headers ready
  • Google Web Font
  • Very Well Documentation
  • Pre-made Gradient and Solid Section


Riyaqas software company template

Riyaqas responsive bootstrap software company template. It is ideal for startup companies, Management software companies, Tech companies, and Digital Marketing companies. This template comes with seven different demo home pages, three blog pages, three job pages, and more additional pages included. It has a full screen animated banner, fixed drop-down menu, countdown timer and animation included.


  • Smooth transition effects
  • SEO friendly
  • Compatible Browsers
  • W3C Validation


Entropy software company template

Entropy is three different home pages and 17 unique pages included. It has a full screen animated banner, sticky drop-down menu, countdown timer, and smooth transition effects included.


  • Free Google Fonts
  • Free Icons Used
  • Well Documentation
  • Easy to Customize


Senty software company template

Senty is a most advanced SEO and Digital Marketing template but you can use any propose of business. It has a sticky drop-up menu, full-screen slider, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included. Five demo home pages, four about pages, two service pages, two blog pages, and two shop pages included.


  • Font Awesome
  • Line Awesome
  • Elegant icons
  • Google maps
  • Easy Customizable
  • SEO Ready
  • PSD available
  • SCSS files included



Aplink is an HTML template for startup software company and agency services. It comes with three home pages, two service pages, two product pages, three blog pages, pricing, FAQ, coming soon and many more pages included. It has an animated banner, a sticky drop-up menu, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.


  • Ajax Contact Form
  • SEO Optimized
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Animated Css Use
  • Smooth transition effects
  • Google font
  • Google Map



Hepro is the most advance software company template. It has seven with and without animated version demo home pages, three service pages, three blog pages, two features pages, pricing, Faq, About pages included. Fullscreen animated banner, sticky drop-up menu, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.


  • 14 demo Variations
  • ES6+
  • React 16.10.1+
  • Next.js 9.0+
  • Express.js
  • SEO Friendly
  • Developer Friendly
  • W3 Valid



This template has eleven different types of Vue js and HTML5 demo home pages and more additional pages included. Full-screen banner, mouse over animation, pricing table, and more section included.


  • Contact Form Section
  • One Page Landing Page
  • Bootstrap 4 framework
  • Major Browsers Support
  • Sign Up Page
  • Forgot Password Page



Xio most advanced parallax effect HTML5 App Landing template. It comes with two types of demo home pages. Like home original version and dark version. Fullscreen animated banner, mouse over animation, sticky drop-down menu, pricing table, and smooth transition effects included.



Applyou is a parallax effect App landing template but you can use this template for many more different projects. It has twelve different demo home pages, two different blog pages, a full screen animated banner, a sticky drop-down menu, a pricing table, and smooth transition effects included.


  • Login and Sign Up Popup
  • Particles, Ripples, Glitch Effect
  • Easy Customize
  • Pre-loader Effect
  • Clean & Modern Design
  • Smooth Scroll
  • Ajax Contact Form



Mitech has six multi-propose demo home pages use for any kind of business. Six header styles, about page, service page, two company pages, blog page, and more additional pages included. Sticky drop-down menu, smooth transition effects. mouse over animation and big banner included.


  • No jQuery Dependency
  • Dynamic Blog
  • Speed Optimized
  • SEO Friendly
  • Cross-Browser Support


software company template

Bolans is a react js template for software companies. It comes with four home pages, three shop pages, about, service, sign up and sign-in pages, FAQ, coming soon and more pages included. It is mobile-friendly, with a big screen banner, mouse over animation included.



Voopo is ideal for any type of online business. Like VOIP, Telecom company, Software company, Cloud Services company, and many more. It comes with two demo home pages, three service pages, four blog pages, and many more pages including. It has smooth animations, mobile-friendly, big screen banner, smooth transition effect, mouse over animation included.


  • Made with SASS
  • Google font include
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • W3C Validated Code
  • Cross-Browser Support



SmartSaas is the most advanced multi-propose template. It ideal for the SEO business, Hosting company, ERP, VPN, Crypto, POS, Marketing, and App making company. It has eight homepage layouts and twenty inner pages. Smooth animations, big screen slider, smooth transition effect, mouse over animation included.


  • SEO optimized
  • Speed Optimized
  • Cross-Browser Compatible
  • Google Web Fonts
  • CSS3 Animations



PlayTime is an animated software agency template. It has six home pages and fifteen additional pages including. Big screen animated slider, sticky drop-down menu, smooth transition effect, Price menu, mouse over animation included.


  • W3C validated
  • Cross-Browser Compatible
  • Clean & Commented Code
  • Sticky Menus
  • Shopping Cart Pages
  • Blog Pages



This is a best-animated template for the ideal Saas Products, Hosting company, Software agency, VPN company, Digital agency, App agency, and related product and services. It has five different home pages and 18 additional pages including. Fullscreen animated slider, sticky drop-down menu, smooth transition effect, Price menu, mouse over animation included.


  • SEO optimized
  • Speed Optimized
  • Cross-Browser Compatible
  • User-Friendly Code
  • Free Google Web Fonts
  • Fully Responsive
  • CSS3 Animations
  • Sass File Included


VRLanding software company template

VRLanding is an HTML5 virtual reality agency template but you can use this template for any kind of business. Like Hosting company, Software agency, etc. This template including four home pages and more additional pages including. Big screen animated slider, sticky drop-down menu, smooth transition effect, mouse over animation included.


  • Ajax PHP Contact Form
  • SASS Style
  • W3 Valid HTML Files
  • Vector shapes
  • Multiple Color Versions
  • Font Awesome Pro Icons


Kentho software company template


  • Google Web Fonts
  • Great CSS Animations
  • Well Commented Code
  • Search Engine Optimized
  • Gulp Task
  • Complete SASS files


Aeroland software company template


  • Five Responsive Homepages
  • Twelve AeroLand Elements
  • Smooth CSS3 Animation
  • Slick slider use
  • Swipe slider use
  • Google Font
  • Smooth CSS3 Animation
  • No jQuery Dependency

Saurav Sen

Hi, I am a professional blogger and web developer. So I also share experiences with web development tutorials and blogging tips and including writing about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Ajax, PHP, and MySQL.