16 Newest Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates

If you create a dynamic website then you will need an admin dashboard panel. This is needed to manage everything on the dynamic website.

You manage and tracking your order, customer, billing, client needs, social activities, client activities, customer behavior, and many more.

No need to create your admin dashboard. We are collecting a bunch of the newest bootstrap admin templates presenting you.

All bootstrap admin templates are built on the latest technology. Latest bootstrap framework version and latest HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.

It’s working on all major web browsers and desktops and all smartphones or tablets. It is very easy to customize and ideal for web applications like Travel website dashboard, eCommerce dashboard, Shopping store dashboard, CRM, and many more.

Material Dashboard

Material Dashboard




Glare admin template


  • HTML, Sass, Handlebars (HBS), Gulp
  • Clean Code
  • Hover Effects
  • Moveable Effect
  • UI Element
  • Charts Module
  • Easy To Customise
  • Fully Responsive
  • Cross Browser


Circl admin template


  • Bootstrap 5
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • jQuery Powered
  • Fully Responsive
  • File Manager,
  • Email, Calendar, Profile apps
  • Login, Register,
  • Lock Screen Pages
  • ApexCharts & Chartjs
  • BlockUI
  • Session Timeout
  • Tree View
  • DataTables
  • Invoice
  • 404 & 500 Error Pages


Flaira admin template


  • Bootstrap 4 Framework
  • Data Tables
  • File upload
  • Easy to customize
  • Neat, clean and simple design
  • TimeLine
  • bootstrap carousel
  • Editable Text
  • Message Chat
  • Google Fonts
  • More Maps
  • HTML5 responsive template
  • Mail Inbox

Midone – HTML Admin Dashboard Template

HTML Admin Dashboard Template



Litam is a creative full responsive admin dashboard template. It is built in Bootstrap 4, Sass and jQuery. It supported all major web browsers. It has 50 New Widgets, four demo pages, and eight additional demo pages.


  • Smart, modern, and user-friendly design
  • Nestable List
  • Basic Table
  • Slider
  • Code Editors


Alpha bootstrap admin template

Alpha is the newest bootstrap admin template. This is fully responsive to the UI framework admin dashboard template. It has more functionality. Sticky sidebar, live page views, revenue earned, sales and sales growth, product selling graph, live server loading graph, and product selling analytics graph. This template supported all browser and mobile-friendly.


  • Well Documented
  • Unlimited Color Options
  • File Manager and Mailbox
  • Plupload File Upload
  • Login page, Register page, Lock Screen, and Invoice pages
  • Image Zoom



Famosa is a new launching bootstrap admin template. It is ideal for a creative dashboard with CRM. Famosa is the best admin template for analysis of your website data, new visitors, and unique visitors, mailbox facility, latest visitor graph, and user reports monitor.


  • Invoice Page
  • Profile Page
  • Login and Register Page
  • Lock-screen Page
  • 404 Error Page
  • 500 Error Page
  • Blank Page
  • Recover password Page



Tradio is a Cryptocurrency Exchange HTML admin template. It has 37 demo pages. It is fully responsive and mobile-friendly.



Veltrix is a smart responsive bootstrap admin template. It’s a built-in Vue CLI & Vuex component and based on Firebase authentication. This admin template not used jquery. It has six different demos in light and dark versions with RTL options and five different supported demo layout. You can make any type of application. Like SAAS interface and eCommerce or Project management apps, CRM, CMS, and much more. Valtrex is fully responsive and mobile-friendly based on bootstrap 4 with Vue.js without jquery.


  • Pure Vuejs
  • SASS Powered
  • W3C Validated Code
  • 3 different types of Charts
  • Cross Browser supported
  • Not authorized Page
  • Rich Components
  • Created with Vue CLI

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Antina bootstrap admin templates

Antina is a creative and most powerful bootstrap admin template. It is built on HTML5, Bootstrap 4, Sass, CSS3 and jQuery. It is professional with the most user-friendly admin dashboard template. This template fully responsive and mobile-friendly and four demo pages included.


  • 70 New Widgets
  • Pricing Table
  • Nestable List
  • Code Editors
  • Email View
  • Validation Form
  • Price Table



Mintone is based on the ReactJS platform. It is a very smooth clean fully responsive and mobile-friendly bootstrap admin template. It is easy to customize the ReactJS platform developer friendly template. It has 15+ layouts, five Page settings with an RTL version, and a full Sidebar Version. Apex Chart, chartJS, Highchart, knob, and piety included.


  • Google maps
  • Gmap search API
  • Header Color Options
  • Horizontal Layouts

Mintone Angular

Mintone Angular

Mintone built in HTML5, CSS3, bootstrap 4, Angular CLI, and Angular 9. It is quick loading clean fully responsive and mobile-friendly template. 15 layouts, 50+ ready to use widget, and 5+ Page settings included.


  • RTL version
  • Full Sidebar Version
  • Horizontal Layouts
  • Header Color Options



Rapo is modern functionality clean and corporate bootstrap admin template. It’s built-in HTML5, CSS3, Saas, Bootstrap 4. This template has 90 HTML Pages & 70 jquery CSS Plugins, Left menu & Horizontal menu, dark version included. There it is cool colors, bootstrap grid, charts, custom Tables, Select2, Darggable-Cards, Message Chat, calendar, and more plugins Included.


  • Six types of Charts
  • Well Commented Code
  • File upload
  • Editable Text
  • Error Pages
  • Media Object
  • W3C Validated

OneUI Vue Edition

OneUI Vue Edition

OneUI Vue Edition is a Vue Edition template. It based on Vue CLI, Vuex, BootstrapVue UI framework. It is easy for the way development tools to save you time and make your projects faster. It is ideal for any Web Applications, Custom Admin Panels, Backend Websites, CMS, CRM, and many more.


  • ECMAScript 6
  • Hot Reload
  • Autoprefixer
  • Webpack + Babel
  • Remastered Design
  • Layout Features

Saurav Sen

Hi, I am a professional blogger and web developer. So I also share experiences with web development tutorials and blogging tips and including writing about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Ajax, PHP, and MySQL.