Websites are really important whenever you are trying to reach the public. This is not only for corporate websites, but even law firms can benefit from a lot of law websites. Through the website, your audience can learn all about your law firm. Before purchsing you can try free lawyer website templates.
You can choose the best free advocate WordPress themes and premium law firm WordPress themes.
All are the most advanced and eye-catching design lawyer HTML template ideal for lawyer website. This automotive website template has home pages, blog pages, about us, service, log-in, coming soon, contact us, product layouts, and more page layouts included.
It is easy to customize and supported by all devices like desktop, laptop, any type of mobile device, tablet.
It has a full-screen responsive slider, sticky drop-down menu, newsletter, wishlist, add to cart, Product Zoom, multi-currency, multi-language, compare product, product tab with slider, Cloud Zoom, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.
This spare parts HTML5 template built-in Bootstrap 5, HTML5, CSS3, SASS, and W3 validated.
Lawyer Base
- W3C Validated
- Smooth Scroll
- Bootstrap v5 and SCSS
- W3C Validated
- SEO Friendly
- A/B Grade GTMatrix
- Google Page Speed
- Easy to customize
- Modern and Responsive layout
- HTML5 and CSS3 Validation
- Owl Slider
- Pixel perfect Perfect Design
- Google Web Fonts
- Shutter stock images
- Font awesome icon
- Responsive layouts
- HTML 5 and CSS 3
- W3C valid HTML files
- Jquery carousel
- Seven color schemes
- Parallax background
- Google fonts
- Bootstrap compatible
- Working contact form
- Shop Page Demo
- Easy to customize
- HTML5 & CSS3
- Clean & Simple Design
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Retina ready
- Google fonts included
- Font Awesome
- Elegant Icon Font
- Powered with Bootstrap
- Smooth animation
- Parallax sections
- Ajax contact form
- Google Map & Fonts
- Retina Ready
- Mobile Menu for Small Devices
- Based On Bootstrap 4
- Well Commented Code
- W3c Valid Code
- Flat, Modern Design
- Developer Friendly Code
- Friendly support
- Smooth Scroll
- Retina Ready
Lawyer Attorney HTML Template
Lawyer Attorney is a flat and smart design law HTML Website template. It is suitable for lawyers, attorneys, judges, law firms, legal offices. It is built-in Bootstrap 3, HTML5, CSS3. It comes with six multipage home layouts, six single-page home layouts, six box single-page home layouts, dark layouts, RTL layouts, multipage verticle layouts, single- page verticle layouts, three about page, four practice area pages, five shop pages, two service pages, four FAQ pages, four contact pages, two calendar style, three job pages, two pricing pages, two photo gallery pages, three 404 error pages, three coming soon pages, three under construction pages, six different style blog layouts, and many more features, portfolio, or shortcode included. It has a full-screen slider with sliding text, sticky drop-down menu, Toggle menu, video support, Appointment form, newsletter, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.
Advokat – Lawfirm HTML Template
Advokat is a smart and flat design law firm HTML template. It is ideal for lawyers, law firms, attorneys, consultants, legal corporations, legal Advisors, justice corporations, agents, and any legal and law-related businesses. Three unique multipage demo home pages and three one-page layouts, two practice area pages, case results, four blog pages, contact page, and many more shop pages included. It has sixty internal pages included. Full-screen banner, sticky drop-down menu, contact form, number counter, newsletter, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.
- Working Contact Form
- Modern Blog Layout
- Bootstrap v4, HTML5, CSS3, LESS
- W3C validated
- Cross-Browser Compatible
- Google Font
- Clean & Commented Code
- Sticky Menus, Blog Pages
- Multiple Pages
- Working Contact Form
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Files
Zeus – Lawyers HTML Template
Zeus is a modern black background lawyer website template. It is ideal for Law Firm, Injury Law, Traffic Ticket Attorney, Legacy and Wealth Planning, Criminal Defense, Construction, Insurance Law, Advisers, Legal Officers, Barristers, Consultancy, Finance, Solicitor, Advocates, Counsels, and other legal and law-related services. It comes with about, service, news, contact us, and more pages included. It is a built-in bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript. Full-screen banner, number counter, fixed drop-down menu, video support, contact form, Toggle menu, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included.
- Free Google Fonts
- Bootstrap 4.x Framework
- Pixel Perfect Design
- CSS3 Animation
- Clean Design
- Active Contact us Form
Kodelaw is an eye-catching design lawyer website template. It is ideal for Lawyers, law, advisor, attorney, advocate, barrister, corporate, consultant, consulting, law firm, business, judge, jurist, legal. and other legal and law-related services. It comes with seven multipage demo home pages, features, service, case studies, attorney details, two blog pages, contact us, about page, and more service pages included. Full-screen slider, number counter, sticky drop-down menu, video support, contact form, responsive mega menu, Elegant Icon Font, Parallax sections, Powerful shortcodes, Retina ready, mouse over animation, and smooth transition effects included. It is a built-in bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript.
- Working Ajax contact form with validation
- Google Maps, Font Awesome
- Google fonts, Twenty three HTML Files
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- Clean & Simple Design
- Revolution Slider
Rule – Lawyer & Attorney HTML Template
- Retina Ready, Bootstrap, jQuery, Animate
- Coded Based on Bootstrap V4
- Smooth Css3 Animations
- Well Commented Code
- Well Documented
- Easy Customizable
- Clean And Clear Codes
- Free Google Fonts
- HTML5 W3 Validation
- FontAwesome icons
- Three home pages, Twenty inner pages
Rexlaw – Law Lawyer HTML Template
- Clean & Modern Design
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3
- Built Based on Bootstrap 4
- Build With SASS, Google font
- Fully Responsive
- Sticky Menu When Scrolling Down
- Awesome Unique Look
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Three Home Variation
Jurist – Lawyer HTML
- Working Ajax contact form with validation
- Google Maps, Parallax sections, Smooth animation
- Retina ready, HTML5 & CSS3, Fully Responsive Layout
- Crossbrowser Compatible
- Revolution Slider, Responsive Megamenu
- Thirty-one HTML Files
- Four Index Multipage demos
- Eleven Shortcodes files
- Easy to customize
- Google Map, Mega Menu, Premium design
- Services Design with Variations
- Creative homepage slider
- Google Web Fonts
- Font Awesome Icons
- Team Design Practice
- Testimonials, Valid HTML5 Code
- Responsive HTML theme
- Cross-browser optimization
Juristic – Law Firm HTML Template
- Working PHP AJAX Contact Form
- Awesome Unique Look
- Flat, modern, and clean design.
- Unique effects and functionality
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Valid HTML5 & CSS3 Files
- Tested on real devices
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Awesome Font Icons
- Google font, Google Map
- Thirty HTML Files
- Three Home Page Style
- Three Header Style
- Google fonts included
- Font Awesome
- Elegant Icon Font
- Powered with Bootstrap
- Smooth animation
- Parallax sections, Twelve HTML Files
- Working Ajax contact form with validation
- Google Maps, HTML5 & CSS3
- Revolution Slider, Responsive Megamenu
- Crossbrowser Compatible