Follow steps to create MySQL database from DirectAdmin control panel.
Please open your DirectAdmin Panel. Using Username and Password.
- Click on MySQL Management
2. Click on Create new Database
Write Database Name, Database User and Database Password and then Click on Create Database.
Password Hint :- one capital letter and one small letter and two numeric and symbol. Use at last 6 Characters.
Do not use your name and mobile number and email id and Pet name and any other common name.
3. Mysql Database Created.
4. Show Created Mysql Database. Open your database then click login button.
Automatic open the new tap in your browser and open PhpMyadmin.
5. Information_schema is default database. Do not touch Information_schema. Click domaincom_member database. After click change right side panel and put table name and number of columns. Then click GO button.
6. Write table name. First create id table. It is auto increment table. Please see number 4 (Red color). Click this box. Open pupup window then click GO button. Next create table name username. Type VARCHAR. Length 100 and same created next password table and then click SAVE button.
7. Finally created mess table under the database domaincom_member. This table is empty. If you want to insert value in the table. There are two ways to insert value in the table. First of all php insert query and manual database insert program.